The Tasmanian Budget 2023-24 invests $4 million over six years into Build Up Tassie, a free work-readiness program for anyone aged between 16-24 looking to enter the construction industry.
Build up Tassie is a program run by Centacare Evolve Housing and St Joseph Affordable Homes which helps vulnerable young people into work, while building affordable homes.
Media Release – Building more homes and building the workforce of the future
The Rockliff Liberal Government is looking at innovative ways to increase the supply of social and affordable housing for vulnerable Tasmanians, while also building our skilled workforce.
Media Release – Build Up Tassie
The Rockliff Liberal Government is committed to creating training and employment opportunities that will help deliver new homes.
The Build Up Tassie Charity House
A home built in 2023 through donated and in-kind support, and sold to raise money to fund Build Up Tassie to improve employment and life outcomes for young Tasmanians.
Build Up Tassie – Iris’ Story
Iris Rimmer always wanted to be an electrician, and her graduation in December 2021 to an apprenticeship has turned her dream into reality.